Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bootcamp Youth Park by C.

Another great nights training at Youth park, Excellent circuit and fitness games led by Harjeet and Roger. Really worked hard and enjoyed the fun :)

Btw we would also like to wish a safe journey to Sarah who heads back to the UK this week. We really enjoyed having you at our classes and look forward to seeing you again in the not too distant future.Hope our training has helped with the rowing.

Weight loss gone wrong

Weight loss gone wrong

KUALA LUMPUR: A 30-year-old man spent RM80,000 on a weight loss programme but ended up having 30 open wounds, with one as big as a fist, around his waistline.

The man, who only wanted to be known as Lim, said he got to know about the “needleless injection” treatment when a friend suggested that they enter into the cosmetics business in October 2009.

“Initially, I was not interested, but after much persuasion by the friend, who guaranteed a monthly RM50,000 profit, I decided to try the treatment first,” he said at a press conference organised by the Cheras MCA here yesterday.

The former real estate marketing executive said he felt unwell immediately after the injection.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I survived Bootcamp Penang


Middle-aged are grumpy because happiness is U-shaped

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bootcamp Tanjung Bungah- Penang

Excellent class this morning , well done to all the new members. Look forward to seeing you all again this Wednesday morning :)


Touch your toes and say aye
By Daniel Chandranayagam

took to the outdoors for my workouts. Aside from the benefits of exercising outdoors, what surprised me pleasantly was the number of seniors exercising. At the pool, you would find older couples swimming laps. Sometimes you would find the husband teaching his wife a stroke. In the park, you would find them walking briskly, sometimes stopping to practise a little tai chi or chi kung and to chat as well.

I don’t know why but this really warms my heart. The other day, I noticed an older uncle who is super fit. He can do more chin-ups than me (which isn’t much, but still!) and I thought to myself that when I reached his age (which could be anything from 65 to 70), I would love to be as fit.

At that juncture, a group of teenagers from a private school decided to take refuge in the park. I immediately saw the juxtaposition between them and the fit uncle exercising nearby (who by then had taken off his shirt).

The uncle had defined muscle tone, good posture, was apparently fit and healthy. The teenagers were overweight (one was obese), had bad posture (slouched or had an arched lower back), were chugging on sugar-rich sodas, and I think I wouldn’t be far wrong if they could not do even one chin-up.