In Western
countries such as the UK, U.S. and Canada, muscular strength has hit a plateau
and muscular endurance — the ability to repeatedly exert force, such as doing
sit-ups — has declined by 8 to 10 per cent since the Eighties,’ says Dr Grant
Tomkinson, senior lecturer in health sciences at the University of South
Australia, a leading researcher on trends in fitness over time.
It seems our
average muscle power peaked in 1985 — since then we’ve increased in weight, but
our muscles have got weaker and weaker, especially among women.
‘I’m seeing
a massive epidemic of weak women who have no muscle strength,’ says
London-based physiotherapist Sammy Margo.
‘There are
skinny women who have no muscles supporting their spine, and overweight ladies
who don’t have any muscles under the fat.’Women’s lack of muscle has serious
implications for their health.
Experts say
poor muscle strength is to blame for a host of health problems such as osteoporosis
and fractures, arthritis and back pain.
So why are
women so weedy — and what should they do about it?
It takes
only a cursory comparison of the covers of men’s and women’s magazines to
understand the differences in what motivates men and women to exercise.
While men
strive to get ‘the ultimate six pack’ and ‘more body bulk now’, women’s
objectives tend
Ken Fox,
professor of exercise and health sciences at the University of Bristol, says:
‘The majority of young females want to look thin.
'They don’t
eat much, they don’t exercise much, and because of that they have weak
musculatures — it’s really not a healthy way to be.’
A survey by
the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation found 40 per cent of women said
feeling better about their appearance was the main factor that motivated them
to exercise; in another, a third of women said they felt more pressure to be
thin than healthy.
Even the
golden girl of the London Olympics, Jessica Ennis, has admitted she had at
first been concerned about weight training because she ‘didn’t want to be all
But many
experts say it’s actually difficult for women to ‘bulk up’ because of their
resistance exercise, as it is known, triggers muscle growth by causing small
amounts of trauma to the muscles — the body repairs the damage by adding
protein strands to the muscle to increase its strength and size.
is the hormone that triggers this process and men naturally have higher levels
of it than women, meaning it’s much harder for women to develop big muscles,
explains Professor Fox.
‘They can
get toned but looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t an issue,’ he says.
Women also
can’t lose as much fat — men can conceivably get down to 4 per cent body fat
while women typically cannot get lower than 10 per cent.
evolved this way because they need more fat to bear children.
children are set up for a life of puniness from an early age, thanks partly to
our increasingly indoor lifestyles.
Dr Gavin
Sandercock, a lecturer in sports science at Essex University, tested the
strength of 315 Essex ten-year-olds in 2008 and compared the results from
children of the same age in 1998.
children managed only around two thirds of the sit-ups of the previous
generation; arm strength had fallen by 26 per cent and grip by 7 per cent.
Sandercock says he was especially concerned by the children’s poor performance
at sit-ups, because ‘your ability to do sit-ups has been shown to be an
indicator of back pain in later life’.
in a study by the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation of 1,500 schoolchildren,
half the 14-year-old girls surveyed said getting sweaty was ‘not feminine’, and
a third of boys said girls who are sporty are not feminine.
It probably
doesn’t help that teachers don’t have the right specialist PE training, which
is leaving younger generations ‘physically illiterate’, as Susan Campbell, the
head of UK Sport said last week.
She claimed
this lack of training means thousands of children start secondary school unable
to run, jump, throw a ball or catch.
disregard for muscles may be costing them dearly. Muscles are the ‘scaffolding’
that holds the body up, vital for protecting the joints and bones, and it’s
essential to start building muscle in early life to avoid miserable
studies have shown the strength of your muscles can be a key indicator of
muscles reduce the risk of falls in later life, says Professor Janet Lord,
director of the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing
allows you to control your movement,’ she says. ‘So if you do have a trip, you
fall in a controlled way and there’s less chance you’ll fracture your wrist for
muscles are also vital for preventing sore backs. Sammy Margo blames the
endemic problem of back pain on weak tummy, or ‘core’ muscles.
It’s the
stomach muscles that hold you up straight when sitting or standing.
But if these
are weak, we tend to use the tiny muscles in the back, which leads to damage.
If you have
poor tummy muscles, you tend to slump and overstretch the muscles, tendons,
ligaments and discs in the back — setting up inflammation and, in
the long term, chronic back pain,’ she explains.
‘It’s not
just back pain but ankles, neck pain, shoulder pain, even knee pain.
'You can
postpone or prevent the need for a knee replacement just by building up the
surrounding muscle.’
muscles rely on regular intake of protein — it is essential for the structure
and functioning of muscle cells.
Collins, principal dietitian at St George’s Hospital, London, says recent
health concerns over meat, and the growing popularity of extreme diets that
exclude whole food groups, such as veganism, means more and more women may be
missing out on protein.
‘The best
sources are meat and dairy products,’ she says. ‘It’s essential we get about
60g a day — equivalent to an 8oz steak or 200g chicken breast.’
deficient in protein can have devastating effects, she adds.
‘If you’re
not getting enough protein from food, your body cannibalises your own tissue.
It starts by taking from your muscle bulk, but then it will use organs.’
sedentary lifestyle has been blamed for expanding waistlines, but it is also
causing our muscles to waste away, say experts.
The decline
in manual labour means our jobs are now overwhelmingly office based, and even
getting up to go to a meeting has been replaced by email.
‘It’s not just the fact that the average
person sits for eight hours a day,’ says Sammy Margo.
‘We have
remote controls so we don’t have to get up to change channels, and cars and
internet shopping so we don’t have to walk to work or school or carry heavy
shopping back home.’
There may be
good news on the horizon, however, thanks largely to the stunning success of
Britain’s female athletes at last summer’s London Olympics.
Lucy Wyndham
Read, a personal trainer, has noticed a shift in women’s requests and aims.
‘Women are
now asking for an athletic shape. They want to look feminine, but have
definition and tone,’ she says.
Strong could
be the new sexy — and it’s healthier, to boot.
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